Tecnología e Informática


4th Term:

The app that helps to control the garbages and the consumption in Colombia

La app que promete cambiar el posconsumo en Colombia
This article, published by the magazine Semana, talks about an app that was launched in Colombia by the Ministry of Environment last international day of recycle. This app called ‘RedPosconsumo’ helps people to know what is the best process to discard the waste that are generated day by day. A study shown that daily, there are 13 tons of wastes in Colombia of overdue medicines, tires of cars, containers and other things that are not good for the environment. Other purpose of this app is to tell the person where they could go to throw it away thanks to Google Maps.

I think this app it’s a good alternative to improve and control the waste that is generated here in Colombia. I’m agree with the idea of showing to people that here in Colombia the ideas are too affordable and Maps could ease the transportation because there are many places, as I said. Although, I’m according up to a point, because the consumption are not been reduced as necessary, I think in the app it should include other ways to waste things that we really need but
having as main reason: to preserve the environment.

Besides all, I think it should be great to start using this app to be conscious on the quantity of our wastes and maybe, find solutions as a community that could be implemented in other places of the world. On the other hand, I think that it’s an advance for the colombian technology and it another goal as a nation.

Watch your roof, perhaps find micrometeorites in him
Los micrometeoritos son partículas extraterrestres de 300 micrómetros.
The article to mention of ENTER.CO, treats on a study that was realized by the university of France, on the possible micrometeorites that are in the roofs of the houses. A micrometeorite possesses a diameter of 300 micrometers. A scientist who discovered that this was possible, created a scientist's organization called Project Stardust, to investigate of what these particles consist. When they spoke this in the means, they went so far as to obtain about 500 particles that all the citizens were bringing from its roofs

I find it very interesting that a micrometeorites arrive to make part of what is constituted your home. In this investigation discovered that micrometeorites possess components known as the olivine, but also other chemicals completely different.

Something that I believe should be fundamental, is that there should be a reason beyond that do only part of our home, but where you come from or what would make that a meteorite happens to be 300 micrometers in diameter. It is a good article, which creates many issues on which we have our around.

Micrometeorite: A micrometeoroid is a tiny meteoroid; a small particle of rock in space, usually weighing less than a gram.
Olivine: Group of Rock-forming minerals
Micrometer: Measurement of length, symbol μm, which is a millionth of a meter.

URL: http://www.enter.co/cultura-digital/ciencia/mira-tu-techo-tal-vez-encuentres-micrometeoritos-en-el/


A mobile country
(18 NOV 2016)

The article in the magazine ENTER.CO titled A mobile country talks about how in Colombia has been growing the interest of the Colombian population to acquire smart devices or to acquire internet on their cell phones. It is impressive to observe how the increase is up to 116% (difference on the statistics of mobile purchases of the year 2015 compared to the year 2014).
On the other hand, the company Huawei has been one of the most competitive in the Colombian market, since, they have noticed the above mentioned interest. Huawei has been one of the companies that has increasingly sold devices increasingly better devices thanks to technologies that have emerged from the 4G LTE network in 2013 to 4K video displays of these.
In my opinion, it is important that people can connect as the world has become globalized, although this has disadvantages, looking at it from a positive side, there are different modes of technology which allow either from recharging or acquiring a contract the People can access the cloud. It is incredible that the use or acquisition of devices in Colombia grow exponentially.

Guide to understanding the your mobile devices
(20 Sept 2016)

In accordance with the publication of magazine ENTER. CO, information appear about a guide to understand the main brain of any mobile device. Here the quality of the camera is explained that often at the time of choosing a device the buyer consults only the factors or physical qualities of the device, that is to say, how much lasts the battery, the GPS,the WiFi, etc, when in fact the real question should be something related to the support capacity at the time of realizing several functions. Why does this one ask? Very well, it turns out that according to the magazine, what truly does that a device is already tablet,cell phone or computer works correctly realizing one or multiple tasks is a nanodevice called chipset. MediaTek is a Taiwanese company in which its manager, Amikam Yalovetzky explains the functioning and the innovations that have in expectation and in improvement for this one nanodevice.

To start, the chipset is a device that takes as a function to satisfy several functions: to improve the yield of the hardware and the software, controls the energy consumption, the temperature and the warming of the device at the time of realizing diverse functions. Thanks to this one device is that sometimes we ignore the vital information an hour that they offer us a device and it is,the quantity of nuclei that the same one possesses which determines its rapidity and that does not become over heated when multiple or complex functions are used on the same one.

Between other things, finally, Amikamtells that the manufacture of these can take devices years due to its complexity and efficacy for its functioning, for éstothe engineers must be being employed that technology that alters neither the size nor the cost of the chipset, but also we speak about technology that will be available in 2 or 3 years, we would be speaking about a throwing of a progress of the chipset in 2018 or 2019, but, one of the biggest challenges is that for that one then there is not known the type of technology that the devices of the of that time one will support. We can conclude of this that, it is a practical guide, in which also it is important to know that technology advances exponentially on these days, and that the projects that come have to be excellent for humanity.

1 comentario:

  1. El tema del articulo de opinión es agradable, hay un amplio conocimiento sobre el tema, por lo tanto es interesante seguir leyendo porque el lector si siente intrigado por conocer los conceptos de aquí se explican.

    Santiago Cruz Espinosa
